Library holdings for log books and airships during WWII is rather slim and can be found in the book catalog. We hold the squadron record log book of PT-109 in microform. We have the following titles: Janes Fighting Aircraft of WWII, call number UG1240 .J33 1989; United States Naval Aviation, 1919-1941: aircraft, airships and ships between the wars by E.R. Johnson, call number VG93 .J627 2011; Forgotten weapon: U.S. Navy airships and the U-boat war by William F. Althoff, call number D790.3 .A55 2009; They sailed the skies: U.S. Navy balloons and the airship program by J. Gordon Vaeth, call number UG1373 .V34 2005. The Naval Historical Collection in Mahan Hall would be the best place to find the material you seek. The Head Historian will be delighted to assist you. Her phone number is 401.841.2435 (x12435) Jane's online is an excellent resource for photographs and historical information on WWII. You can access Jane's at home using your Blackboard account or CAC authentication or via the Learning Commons portal on the Intranet. Peruse the library catalog and please, stop by the Reference desk for additional assistance.