A certain number of library databases are available to alumni who register their CAC card with NWC. More information on how to do this can be found here: Resources for Alumni
Here are some other options you might want to look into that don't require you to register with NWC: (1) NKO -- has several databases that can support your research -- one important one you must have use here is ProQuest. https://wwwa.nko.navy.mil/portal/reference/home/econtent--allsubjects This link might not work or it will certainly ask you to logon Here is how I got here: Log on to NKO Under heading "Reference" -- click link "Navy e-Library" Click link on left navigation panel -- "E-Library - ALL Subjects" You should now see "Proquest Military Collection" database and others (2) NWC Library homepage on the Internet http://www.usnwc.edu/Academics/Library.aspx (a) Take a look at the Library Guides (LibGudies) -- a wealth of information on many topics.http://usnwc.libguides.com/index.php (b) Also search on DTIC for papers for students of all the war colleges and government labs. http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/search/tr/tr.html (3) MERLN http://jsou.libguides.com/merln Lots here so looked around, but two significant areas that might be overlooked are: (a) Military Policy Awareness Links (MiPALs) http://merln.ndu.edu/index.cfm?lang=EN&pageID=3&type=page (b) MERLN Member Bibliographies and LibGuides (LOTs of GREAT stuff here) http://merln.ndu.edu/index.cfm?secID=269&pageID=4&type=section